Thursday 28 May 2020

How to Test Your Fertility

Fertility is the natural ability to get pregnant and infertility is the condition in which a couple or one of them has some medical condition due to which they can’t get pregnant. According to the research, nowadays 40% of couples are suffering from infertility. It is a very serious problem because it does not have any signs and symptoms like other diseases have. A couple will get to know about this when they are unable to get pregnant after having unprotected sex for 1 year. If you tried but are unable to get pregnant and you think that you may be infertile then do not waste your time and immediately consult the best infertility specialist in Faridabad because only specialists will help you to determine the possible cause and cure your infertility.

When a couple consults the fertility specialist, he/she will ask you some questions related to your sex like how often you do, whether you smoke or drink, and also about your lifestyle, profession, etc. After knowing all these things he/she will tell you about the fertility test.
For men, he/she will ask for the semen test to determine the motility, shape, count, and other variables of the semen.

For women, it is quite complicated. Your expert will start by tracking the ovulation whether you are ovulating normally or not. Then he/she will conduct a blood test to check your hormones level and some more tests to see whether your ovaries may respond to the drugs or not, after that he/she will examine you to check the fallopian tubes.
If men have some problems with their semen then it will be treated by medications or surgery.  If women have an ovulating problem then it will be improved by medications, if her fallopian tubes are blocked then it will be treated through surgery, otherwise by opting for assisted conception like IUI or IVF, a couple can get pregnant.

Infertility specialist plays an important role in your infertility issues, so choosing the best specialist is important. I would recommend Dr. Astha Chakravarty, one of the best IVF doctors in Delhi NCR. If you want to consult her, visit her at the Asha Fertility Clinic, one of the best IVF Centres in Delhi.


  1. After 8 years of Marriage, I was unable to get Pregnant. Astha Chakravarty is a very Experienced doctor as she listened to my problems very patiently . She guided and treated me so well. Today I am blessed with the baby Boy.

  2. Dr. Astha Chakravarty is perhaps the best IVF doctor in India. We are so happy to have undergone treatment through her.
