Monday 4 November 2019

You Can Get Pregnant With PCOS

The Best gynecologist in Faridabad, Dr. Astha Chakravarty defines the PCOS and says that polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common hormonal condition in women. Women can struggle to become pregnant and are at higher risk of developing complications during pregnancy. 
PCOS have a harmful effect on egg quality, which impacts their ability to perform normal reproductive functions, including chromosomal changes. PCOS causes a woman’s body to produce higher level of androgens known as male hormones because men have much higher levels of androgens than women.

She says PCOS can make your pregnancy difficult due to ovulation and egg quality issues; polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is affecting an estimated 5 million women. But you can get pregnant with PCOS. Now it is also one of the most treatable infertility problems in women. There are some treatments that can help women with PCOS have healthy pregnancies like IVF, surrogacy, egg donation, etc.

Many women with PCOS can become pregnant and have a healthy baby after the PCOS treatment in Faridabad. Most women with PCOS can conceive, however, it may take them a little longer to become pregnant. PCOS can be associated with symptoms including irregular periods, weight gain and difficulties getting pregnant.

Your healthy lifestyle may help your fertility treatments and it will help you feel better overall. Like weight loss exercise, it’s required if you want to get pregnant. Eating healthy meals, exercising regularly and generally staying healthy is the best way to reduce your PCOS symptoms.

If you have PCOS and are pregnant, it is important you talk with a doctor at the Best fertility clinic in Delhi NCR.Dr Astha Chakravarty helps her patients by monitoring PCOS symptoms and taking extra care during your pregnancy.


  1. We were trying for baby for more than 3 years. We consulted Many doctors and took various treatments and medicines but nothing had worked out. After consulting Dr. Astha on the recommendation of my friend , my wife got conceived with in just 2 moths of treatment . Dr. Astha is such a beautiful soul with more positive vibes. She clarifies all shorts of queries . Now my wife is a proud Mother of a cute little boy. We highly recommend Dr.Astha for those who are trying for baby for long years. We are sure you will not regret the decision of consulting her and you will be soon blessed with a baby.

  2. I was very desperate for a baby as it had been about 5 years of my marriage, we had been running to various doctors in my city, but there was no result. By grace of God we happened to meet Dr. Astha through one of my friends. In the first visit she heard my entire medical history with lot of patience and she was very empathetic throughout our discussion. After further investigations I was diagnosed to have endometriosis of ovaries. I had gone through Laparoscopy. After one year of laparoscopy I conceived, my pregnancy went very smooth with precise guidance of ma'am. She was there at all the difficult times, boosting my confidence throughout the beautiful journey of pregnancy. With her guidance I delivered a healthy baby naturally. Thanks ma'am for all your help and compassion.

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