Tuesday 2 August 2022

Treatment for PCOS

PCOS is very common in one in five women in India now. Many of them do not know the symptoms of PCOS. They deal with it differently.  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects women causes various problems such as weight gain, hormonal imbalance, irregular cycles, unwanted hair growth, acne, painful cramps, etc. commonly, women got to know they have PCOS when they have trouble getting pregnant, but it often begins after the first menstrual period, at the age of 11 or 12. It can also develop in the 20s or 30s. Women during their childbearing years. It involves cysts in the ovaries, high levels of male hormones, and irregular periods.

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if you have skipped periods, or if you have other PCOS symptoms like hair growth on your face or body,  weight gain, acne, etc. Also, talk to a doctor if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for  a year or more without success. Doctors typically diagnose PCOS in women who have at least two of these three symptoms:

  1. high androgen levels
  2. irregular menstrual cycles
  3. cysts in the ovaries

Treatment plan

If you have PCOS and you’re obese, losing weight and eating a healthy, balanced diet can make some symptoms better. Generally, women need a combination of lifestyle changes and medications to treat PCOS. Your doctor will create a treatment plan for you tailored to treat your symptoms.  The purpose of PCOS treatment is to control symptoms. If you are preparing for conception and medication and lifestyle changes do not fulfill the purpose then there are some additional treatments are to be perform.

  1. Surgery: A procedure called ovarian laparoscopy might make your ovaries work better when ovulation medications don’t. The doctor makes a small cut in your belly and uses a tool called a laparoscope with a needle to poke your ovary and wreck a small part of it. The procedure changes your hormone levels and may make it easier for you to ovulate.
  2. In vitro fertilization or IVF: With this procedure, your egg is fertilized outside of your body and then placed back inside your uterus. This is considered as the best way to get pregnant when you have PCOS, but it can be expensive.


If you’re concerned about your PCOS and don’t already have a gynecologist, you can visit the Best Gynaecologist in Faridabad. The specialist at the Best Infertility Centre in Faridabad helps restore hormonal balance, reduces cyst formation, gets a natural period on time every month, and boosts fertility.

Source Link:- https://ashaivf.com/blog/treatment-for-pcos/

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