Friday 22 January 2021

When a Woman Should Consult Her Gynaecologist


When a small girl becomes teenager, she faces many physical changes. Teenagers feel shy and do not talk to anyone for their problems. It is advised to them the gynaecologist would help them out for their concerns. A gynaecologist not only for pregnant ladies instead she can advice teenagers too for their concerns.

Dr. Astha says, a girl or woman should consult to doctors time to time as any risk to their health can be detect timely. In starting of puberty female’s reproductive system starts working like menstruation cycle, breast growth, pubic hair and other hormonal changes.

Many ladies are in confusions about the physical changes and they follow their old rules to get solutions. They come to the gynae when they are in pregnancy or not being able to pregnant or any critical problem regarding reproductive organ.

According to the Best Gynecologist in Faridabad , it is important to visit the gynecologist at least once a year starting from teens and throughout life to care for the health of the reproductive system.

There are many diseases which can affect women’s reproductive system. Some of the common diseases are irregular menstruatal cycles, dysmenorrhea, pcod, endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, leucorrhoea, fungal infections, cervical erosion, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical cancer, and herpes.

Here some points that when a woman should consult her gynaecologist:

ü If you are facing heavy white discharge.

ü If you have unbearable pelvic pain during menses.

ü If you having heavy bleeding during menses.

ü If your breasts are not in right growth according to age like much heavy or very small.

ü If you have unwanted hair growth in neck and face.

ü If you have acne and moles.

ü If your body weight is getting heavier and lighter.

ü If you have itching or dryness in you intimate area.

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Male infertility: causes, symptoms and treatment


Male infertility: causes, symptoms, and treatment

If a couple does not conceive after one year of sexual intercourse , it means there is some

problem with their fertility. From ancient times, men are blaming women as the cause of

not having the baby. According to a recent study, male causes are more common than

female causes. In diagnoses of fertility problems, it accounts for 40–50% of infertility. It

affects approximately 7% of all men. Male infertility may also be a causative factor in

unexplained infertility .


Age is the main issue as men younger than 35years have a better chance of having a child

than those older than 35. The quality of the sperm seems to decline as they get older that

means older men have fewer healthy sperm than younger men.


Men would deal with these symptoms of infertility

1. Difficulty with ejaculation

2. Small volumes of fluid ejaculated

3. Reduced sexual desire

4. Difficulty maintaining an erection

5. Swollen and painful testicle area

6. Inability to smell


The Best Infertility Specialist in Faridabad suggests that now many effective Fertility

treatments are available. Men who have these issues can consult here. Dr. Astha checks

them up them thoroughly and then gives treatment accordingly. Treatments such as

antibiotics for infections, Treatments for sexual intercourse problems, Hormone treatments

and medications are available. Other than this , procedures like IUI, IVF and ICSI are

advanced treatments with high success rates.

Dr Astha at Best IVF Centre in Delhi suggests that the couple shouldn't delay treatment for


Tips on Preparing For an IVF Cycle


IVF treatment is a very well known treatment for infertility. The success rate of this treatment is far

better than other infertility treatments. The reason for your infertility may be some medical issues or

your lifestyle. In this blog, we mention some tips shared by Dr. Astha Chakravarty, one of the best

infertility specialists in Faridabad that can improve your success rate of IVF procedure. Follow them

carefully. They will definitely help you. 

Here are the tips:

Eat Fertility Enhancing Foods: You need to change your diet and add some fertility-enhancing foods

to your diet. Maintaining a healthy BMI is very important. If you are underweight or overweight, I

will suggest you talk to the best IVF Doctor in Delhi. She will give you a proper diet plan according to

your health status. Your diet should be rich in protein, iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium,

and add leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, beans, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Quit Smoking And alcohol: If you are smoking and drinking alcohol, then avoid it completely

otherwise the chances of getting pregnant will be very low. The nicotine in cigarettes can age the

ovaries and makes eggs resistant to fertilization and may also harm the unborn fetus. Reduce the

intake of caffeine and take a maximum of 2 cups of coffee in a day.

Improve your sleep: Taking proper sleep is very important if you are preparing yourself for

successful IVF treatment. Make a routine and stick to it. Leave electronic gadgets one hour before

going to bed.

Take Your Vitamins: Taking fertility enhancing vitamins is very important for the good quality of

eggs. Taking high-quality supplements can improve the fertile environment of the body. Your IVF

specialist in Faridabad will advise you when and how to take these vitamins. Remember, it is one of

the most important tips to prepare for your IVF treatment.

For further information related to infertility treatment or to know more, you can consult Dr. Astha

Chakravarty at Asha Fertility Clinic, one of the Best IVF Centres in Faridabad.

Sunday 3 January 2021

PCOD Treatment in Faridabad | Dr. Astha Chakravarty

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that is very common among women of reproductive age. The accurate reason is not known but it may involve factors such as genetic and environmental.

The Best Gynecologist in Delhi says that PCOS is curable but it takes time to heal so have faith and do your best. It is not about how much you are doing but how effectively and on regular basis. Balance your life and be positive.

Visit Asha fertility clinic and meet Dr. Astha Chakravarty, the Best Infertility Specialist in Faridabad. She will guide you with the best  PCOD Treatment in Faridabad