Monday 19 August 2019

Seek IVF Treatment – A Ray of Hope Against Infertility!

Motherhood is the blessing and the great honor and privilege that only women have. But nowadays, not all women can conceive naturally because of some problems. Not only women are responsible for infertility, but even men also have some problems like low sperm count and mobility. But with the help of IVF treatment, the couple who are unable to get pregnant can enjoy parenthood. Medical Science has improved so much in the last 10 years that most of the big problems can be cured.
IVF is the treatment where sperms and eggs are combined artificially in the laboratory.  Before going to the IVF treatment, a thorough body-check up has to be done such as general tests, ovarian test, and hormonal balance. Once the embryo is formed then it will be placed into the uterus of the woman. This treatment is originally known as the “test-tube baby” technique. This treatment is helpful for those who are not able to conceive naturally, or their fallopian tubes are damaged due to some reasons.
Asha fertility clinic helps those couples who want to get pregnant and enjoy the parenthood like other couples. Dr. Astha Chakravarty, the best infertilityspecialist in Delhi NCR, provides hope to couples who are unable to conceive naturally. Age is also an important factor of infertility because with growing age the chances of conceiving baby become less.  IVF has a success rate of 60-70% in the world. You do not need to sit mum and listen to the baseless talks of society. If you are failed to conceive after trying for a year or some other issues related to IVF treatment, then you can visit Asha fertility clinic which is a well-known fertilityclinic in Faridabad.


  1. I and my wife had been under the guidance of Dr.Astha chakravarty since we are planning for pregnancy. She guided us so well and never gave the unnecessary medicines . She was always available whenever we need her. Last week we blessed with the baby girl . Thank you so much, ma'am, for guiding us .

  2. Thank you for this wonderful information and it really helps me keep doing this work IVF Centre In Faridabad
