Thursday 20 October 2022

Male-Factor Infertility and treatment


When we talk about infertility we focus on female infertility whereas about 10% of infertility can be attributed to male factors only, while 35% of cases involve both male and female factors. Thus, almost half of all couples with infertility may have a male factor.

Causes of Male Infertility

Male factor infertility is most commonly due to problems with the sperm by a variety of conditions; some of these can be corrected, while others cannot. Problems may exist in sperm production, ejaculation, or motility.:

  1. 30-40% of cases problems in the testes
  2. 10-20% blockage in the pathway that allows sperm to exit the testes during ejaculation
  3. 1-2% of cases problems in the pituitary or hypothalamus
  4. 40-50% of cases no identifiable cause, even after evaluation



Before treatment, it is also important to consider potential issues related to sexual behavior, such as erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction, or lack of sexual desire due to depression or medication use. Treatment for male infertility depends upon the underlying cause. Treatments may be depending upon whether the semen contains few sperm (oligozoospermia), no sperm (azoospermia), abnormally shaped sperm (teratozoospermia), and/or sperm with poor motility (asthenozoospermia). Treatment often involves both male and female partners.

Intrauterine insemination

The best treatment for problems with sperm motility or concentration is intrauterine insemination. At the time of ovulation, the most active sperm are focused and placed within the uterus of the female partner. You can utilize intrauterine insemination with or without treating the female partner.

In vitro fertilization (IVF)

Male tubal blockage and unexplained infertility are two conditions that frequently require the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

This technique involves injecting one sperm into each egg. ICSI is typically advised if a couple has already decided to proceed with IVF and the semen analysis is abnormal.

Testicular extraction of sperm

When a man’s sperm count in the ejaculate is completely absent, (TESE) is performed. Under local anesthetic, sperm can be aspirated directly from the testes using a needle or through a very small incision. Depending on the cause of male infertility, sperm may not always be found during this technique. If sperm is found and retrieved, ICSI utilizes it.

The Best IUI Centre in Faridabad is well equipped with the latest technology and advanced equipment to assist in treatment.We provide the innovativefertility treatmentsto ​fill the​couple’s lap​with Joy.

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Obstacles To Getting Pregnant


Many healthy couples wonder that they have been trying to conceive for the last many years, but are not able to conceive.  Have you ever thought that perhaps there is some problem that can hinder your pregnancy or some such things, which can affect your ability to conceive? According to experts, some things affect your ability to conceive. Suchas:


According to a study, any person suffering from severe depression may be less likely to conceive. This can disrupt hormone activity in women that regulate ovulation and can cause similar hormonal issues in men that inhibit healthy sperm.

Problems in uterus

Women who are having trouble conceiving, do not even realize that there is a weakness in their uterus. The muscles of the uterus are the strongest in the body of women, but our wrong diet, lifestyle, lack of nutrition, and bad habits make the uterus weak. To conceive, women must have ovulation, timely egg production, and a regular period cycle.

No ideal BMI

This is one of the primary lifestyle issues that can cause infertility in both men and women. Couples who try to conceive should take care of their BMI and maintain a healthy BMI, which plays the most important role in conception Women who are obese or overweight may experience problems with ovulation, in men, obesity can harm sperm production.

Hormone imbalance

Excess weight can disturb their hormonal balance, which can lead to poor sperm quality and problems with conception. You may have been diagnosed with PCOS, and that condition can affect your ability to have children. In some cases, Women who have PCOS, 60% of women with PCOS become pregnant naturally.

Thyroid problem

Several health problems are associated with a problematic thyroid. It decrease fertility and made it much harder to become pregnant. Thyroid disorder increased risk of miscarriage.


Nutritional deficiency

Nutrition plays an important part in reproduction. Without proper nutrients body doesn’t perform tasks efficiently, women should pay more attention to various nutrients like iron, folic acid, and micro and macronutrients. They should consume such things, which provide them with all these nutrients. In particular, women should limit caffeine intake. Poor nutrition can also limit sperm production in men. Men should limit their consumption of alcohol and smoking while women trying to get pregnant should avoid it altogether.


Age is also a major influence in conception, affecting females more dramatically than males. Men generally experience infertility issues later in life due to injury or illness.

Medical issues

Different medical issues and conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, and egg production, blocked fallopian tubes in women and sperm problems in a male that can cause trouble getting pregnant. One medical condition may also lead to another illness or disorder that inhibits infertility.

According to IVF Specialist in Faridabad, There is always a ray of hope, if you are facing any problem in conceiving, Fertility treatments such as fertility medications combined with IUI (intrauterine insemination) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) can dramatically improve the chances of pregnancy.

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Tuesday 4 October 2022

How to Improve Egg Quality?


Many things matter to get pregnant and women need to have a strong reproductive system to bear the fetus. If the egg of the pregnant woman is healthy, then the development of the embryo will be better. Healthy eggs in one ovary determine the regularity of a woman’s menstrual cycle, her future fertility, and her ability to conceive.

Are you concerned about your egg quality because of your age or because of what your health care has told you? Not to worry! You can improve your egg quality naturally starting today with the 5 tips.

Maintain hormonal profile

In women, the quality of ovary eggs becomes poor due to hormonal imbalances like PCOD, thyroid, and serum prolactin hormone. Hormones interfere with the process of egg production in the ovary. Women planning pregnancy must contact their doctor, Control the problems caused by hormonal imbalance so that the quality of their eggs can be improved. For this, it is necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet.

Take supplements

Egg quality can be controlled with regular intake of an anti-oxidant-rich diet and supplementary medicine. Take a nutritious and balanced diet. Take a rainbow diet as much as possible i.e. include fruits and vegetables in the diet. Along with this, you can also take supplements after talking to the doctor.

Take care of hydration

Women must drink 2-3 liters of water daily. It keeps blood circulation smooth. When oxygen-rich blood goes to the ovary, the quality of the eggs improves.

Weight management

Women need to have a healthy weight. Due to excess weight, female hormones become unbalanced, which slows down the process of egg production in the ovary. Or the eggs are not of good quality. To control weight, it is important to include exercise in your routine.

Cope up with stress

Stress increases the level of hormones like cortisol, and prolactin in the body which affect the quality of women’s eggs. It is necessary to follow the biological clock. Sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning so that your body remains in active mode. Wake up in the morning, do yoga, and meditate, you can do your favorite work or hobbies, and be active in your social life.

Fighting infertility! Please visit your specialist or the Best Infertility specialist in FaridabadDr. Astha Chakrawarty. She strives to provide individualized care to each patient depending on the complexity of their health condition.

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How Aging Affects Fertility and Pregnancy

 AGE affects everything going forward and backward. In this way, age affects fertility too. Fertility declines gradually throughout your adult life. People, in general, are aware of women’s fertility issues.  For men and women, although there are different cases amongst both groups, there comes a time when a woman is not able to conceive and the sperm count drops off eventually for men.

For men: Since the age of 20 men starts to lose sperm count by 1% with each passing year. Several indirect factors are lowering male fertility which in the beginning doesn’t matter much, but later it matters a lot. The main issue for men is health in addition to losing sperm count as men age. They may experience problems with libido (sexual drive) and/or erectile dysfunction. Also, they may see a decline in fertility as a result of common changes in an older male, such as increased weight, which negatively impacts fertility.

For women: Women are most fertile in their teens and early 20s when they have about a 25% chance of getting pregnant naturally each month. At age 25-30 a woman’s fertility begins to drop dramatically every year she ages. This speeds up at age 35. With the increasing age, they may face miscarriage, chromosomal abnormalities, decreasing egg quality, etc.

  • How are age and fertility-related?

The early 20s (20 to 24)

People under age 25 have a 96% chance of conceiving in a year if they’re trying each month. If the guy is under 25, the chances are up to 92% of conceiving. That’s because many fertility issues among younger couples are easily treatable and don’t require help from a specialist unless conception is taking longer than one year.

The Late 20s (25 to 29)

From age 25 to 34, you have an 86% chance of conceiving after trying for a year. Your chances of miscarriages are 10%, only a little higher than they were in your early 20s. You need to consult a specialist only if you’ve been actively trying for more than 12 months without success.

The early 30s (30 to 34)

The chances of conceiving are still high — up to an 86% success rate for couples that try for a full year. The only chances of miscarriage by age 30 have risen to 20%.

It is recommended to consult your ob-gyn or primary care physician if you’re still having trouble after 12 months. They can point any problems and treat them before your fertility starts to decline.

The late 30s (35 to 39)

The age of 35 seems to be the point where fertility does decline. At 35, most couples have a 15 to 20% chance of getting pregnant. That could mean a 78% chance of conceiving within the year. There is a 30% chance that women age 35 may take a year or more to conceive. You should not wait that long to find out if you’re one of them.

The early 40s (40 to 44)

At the age of 40s, 90% of a woman’s eggs become chromosomally abnormal. With advancing age, egg/ sperm quality and quantity go down. At this stage, couples may face a few challenges that may make it harder to conceive and stay pregnant. There may be more issues with older male partners, and some older women report uterine lining issues with age. Women may also be approaching menopause and see their cycles shorten.

45 and Over

At 45, a couple’s likelihood of getting pregnant is no more than 3 or 4%. The few eggs you have left. There may have chromosomal abnormalities. Success rates are 0 to 1%.

  • What are your chances of getting pregnant at an advance age?

The fertility specialist at FraidabadDr. Astha Chakravarty says, regardless of your age, you can maximize your chances of conceiving. There is much ART that can help you to achieve pregnancy. There are 3 main types of fertility treatment: medicines. Surgical procedures. Assisted treatments – including intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), egg/sperm freezing, surrogacy.

A working woman who doesn’t want to get pregnant at an early age can freeze her eggs up until age 40; then she can come back years later and have a good chance of pregnancy even into her 40s, or over the age of 40. If a couple is more than 42-year-old then then other best option is IVF using embryo donation. Most clinics recommend using eggs donated by a younger woman for those who want to conceive between ages 46 and 50 Even if she’s in menopause, because the success rates are about 60 to 65%.

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Monday 3 October 2022

ICSI: The Solution for Extremely Low Sperm Count


Now sperm count is a sexual disorder called male infertility. the semen ejaculated during intercourse contains less amount of sperm in them than normal. If you have less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen, the doctor will consider your sperm count lower than average. Low sperm count shows that your sperm are less to fertilize your partner’s egg.Various factors can reduce sperm count. Some of the factors include:

  1. Smoking
  2. Drinking alcohol
  3. Certain medication
  4. The long-term underlying health condition


The first step to treating infertility is finding out the reason. If you are unsuccessful in your attempts to make your partner conceive. Now there are different treatments and steps that men can take to increase their sperm count before they consider ART (Artificial Reproductive Instrument). Your doctor may recommend ICSI if:

  1. You have a very low sperm count.
  2. Your sperm are abnormally shaped (poor morphology)
  3. They don’t move normally (poor motility)
  4. You’ve had IVF previously and none or very few of the eggs fertilized.


  1. ICSI benefits include helping you get pregnant even if you are dealing with one or more of the conditions:
  2. ICSI gives you a chance of conceiving your genetic child when other fertility treatment options are not working.
  3. If the male is unable to ejaculate for standard IVF, doctors can extract sperm for ICSI.
  4. ICSI can also be used with unexplained infertility.
  5. ICSI and IVF pregnancy rates are very similar and ICSI is a less complex treatment.
  6. ICSI doesn’t have any effect on child’s mental or physical development.
  7. ICSI takes shorter time than IVF.


ICSI is collecting a sperm sample and cleaning it to find the healthiest, strongest sperm. The egg is then injected with a single sperm to complete fertilisation. The best course of treatment for men with low sperm counts is usually IVF with ICSI. For males with poor sperm counts, we can significantly improve the success rate by combining IVF with ICSI, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection.


Low sperm count does not mean you cannot be a father- there are many possible treatments for men considering parenthood.  If you are a victim of poor sperm health or male infertility, it is time to work with a fertility clinic near you.  Asha IVF and fertility center in Faridabad itself has a high success rate. Contact Dr. Astha Chakravarty and book your appointment now for infertility treatment.

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