Saturday, 4 January 2020

Things You Need to Know About Donating Your Eggs
In Fertility treatment egg donation is an important part. Now many young and healthy ladies are initiating for it at the Best Egg donor Clinic. The fertility specialist uses it for IVF, surrogacy, etc. So we can say it is a part of assisted reproductive technology, or ART.

The doctor at the Best Fertility Clinic in Delhi says that in the Egg donation we accept the eggs of a fertile woman. The egg, or oocyte, is useful to another woman to help her conceive. But before egg donation, they should have to know the rules and regulations on the legal basis. They need to know every aspect of egg donation whether it is legal, money or eligibility.

Some important points are as follow:

1.    Donor’s age should be in between 21 and 35 years because this age group has a           higher quality and quantity of eggs. They respond better to fertility drugs.

2.   Her medical condition should be positive. She should be free of infections, such as HIV and hepatitis C and genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis gene.

3.   Doctors examine the donor's mental health to ensure the health of children.

4.   Doctors take consent of the donor to be sure that she is making an informed decision before beginning the donation process.

5.   Egg donation clinics go through the legal process also. They sign a contract that ensures that donors have no legal rights or responsibilities to any children or embryos.

      6.  Egg donors usually receive payment for their time and effort. It does not depend on the outcome.

Visit here:

Contact Here : +91 8851018713

Address:C-13, Arya Samaj Road, N.I.T, Faridabad 121001. (Nearest Metro Station: Bata Chowk)

Friday, 3 January 2020

IVF Treatment Facts

Infertility is a very common phenomenon, affecting around 1 in 6 couples.  Couples, who aren’t able to conceive on their own, they go to the fertility specialist to know the other options to conceive,. Now we have a modern option in medical technology to help them get pregnant that is IVF.

The Best Gynecologist in Faridabad, says that you must know some important facts about IVF.  There are some myths are floating around the IVF treatment.

Here we would discuss some treatment facts of IVF.

1. The younger age is performed the better in terms of success rates of IVF. Because in women fertility decline around 35. This means that by the early 40s it is much more difficult to conceive and by 45 there is a much-reduced chance of treatment succeeding.

2. Around 5% of infertile couples turn to IVF to help them conceive.

3. In the IVF process, the frozen eggs and embryos are just as viable as fresh ones. If possible, it is better to freeze embryos than eggs as they are more stable and more likely to survive to thaw.

4. It has been suggested that a woman freezing eggs under the age of 35 has a 50% chance of having a baby with these eggs through fertility treatment.

5. Fertility treatment can result in multiple pregnancies. Twins and triplets are more common with IVF, with the chance of multiple births increasing from 3% in natural conception to 33% with IVF treatment.

6. IVF is a hugely stressful event for infertile people. So depression and anxiety are commonly reported among parents particularly females who are undergoing IVF.
For any enquires and suggestions you can meet the Best infertility specialist in Faridabad, Dr. Astha Chakravarty.